By default, when you install the Xencelabs driver for the Pen Display 16 and have Quick Keys, you will see in the Settings panel that there are some preset functions that Xencelabs has configured for you to use under the "All Other" Globe icon.

These can be changed and are designed to be a starting point that you can expand on as your needs grow.

I have listed some images below that show what Xencelabs has set up and how you can make adjustments and/or additions to the presets. 

For your education in customizing your Quick Keys, I have included a link to a FAQ that will walk you through adding some advanced features as you build your Quick Keys skill set. 

Customize your FAQ:

Quick Keys walk-through video: Xencelabs Quick Keys Overview Training  

[1] If you ended up here by searching within the FAQ library, you can also access this FAQ by clicking on the link in the Settings panel for the Pen Display 16.

[2] When you select your Quick Keys from the left navigation column, and select the [3] "All Other" Globe in the Application row. You will notice that you have a few presets that were installed with the driver.

[4] For Set A.

[5] You will have Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Virtural Tablet On/Off, Shift, Option, and Space added to your Quick Keys buttons.

These can be changed to functions you use more, and you can also move the button functions around to better suit your workflow and or orientation of the Quick keys on your desk.

[6] Selecting Set B.

[7] You will have access to Launch Settings, AdjustPressure, Finder, Pan/Scroll, Screenshot, Show Desktop, Switch Application, and Launchpad.

[8] The Virtual Tablet On/Off will also be added to the eraser of the 3-Button and Thin pens.

This feature will allow you to turn on and off the Virtial Tablet by touching the eraser to the display.

If you have any questions or would like help to customize your Quick Keys or Pens, please email Customer Care at [email protected]. We would be happy to assist you.