1. First, you will want to go into the 'Preferences' tab in the Driver application.

Here you will see options for screen mapping and Sleep Timer settings.

2. Click this drop down menu for options of changing the mapping of the tablets surface.

3. Click this drop down menu for options of changing the driver's mapping of your connected displays.
This is a screenshot of the Tablet mapping menu. You can get this menu by selecting 'Define Portion' from the drop down menu.

1. Using this diagram of our tablet you can draw the desired mapping that you would like to use using your mouse or tablet.

Alternatively you can use the X,Y,W, and H drop down menus to alter the mapping.

2. Use this button to set the work area, and use the Ok button to save your settings.
This is a screenshot of the display mapping menu. You can get this menu by selecting 'Define Portion' from the drop down menu.

1. Similar to the pervious menu you can use your mouse/tablet to draw out the desired portion of your display you want to use.

2. Same as before this button will set the work area and use the Ok button to save your settings.
Using a configuration like this one will allow you to access your entire display while only using a small portion of your tablet.

There is also a Screen Ratio option available in the Tablet mapping drop down menu, so I recommend spending some time and finding mapping settings that work best for you. Please feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team if you have any other questions about our tablet, driver or screen mapping preferences.