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New user defaults feedback

I'm going to try and be diplomatic here, but in general my first experience with the pen tablet was very frustrating. It's totally unnecessary.

Installing the driver and connecting it to the computer is great. No complaints there. Same with the Quickkeys remote. All good

After that, though...

1. Need link to the instructions on the quick start sheet and your home page.

2. You absolutely have to set the default to Tilt mode OFF (i wish I could write that larger for emphasis).

With it on, it's very difficult to drop the pen to the tablet surface without it jumping to a new position. I was ready to pack up the product and return it. Seriously.

It would be different if Tilt mode didn't engage until the pan touches the surface, which I suggested in a separate post.

3. Mouse mode should be the default and it should be obvious where to enable it. If you're looking at a drawing tablet screen then absolute mode makes sense, but with a graphics table you're looking at the computer monitor  and it's hard to imagine not wanting to use relative mode.

These three suggestions would have made my first experience with the tablet exponentially less frustrating.

To qualify this: I'm not a beginner at all.



I'm going to answer each of your questuons in line below; 

1. Need link to the instructions on the quick start sheet and your home page.

A: There is a short Quick Start Guide on the back of the Thank You card that is in every product box and a QVR code that brings you to the QSG on our website. I have listed the link below for others, also. 

QSG Link: https://www.xencelabs.com/us/support/quick-start-guides

2. You absolutely have to set the default to Tilt mode OFF (i wish I could write that larger for emphasis).

A: In general, the use of tilt should not have much of a bearing on how the nib acts. You will see tilt actions become more apparent in applications like Adobe PS, where you can set tilt to be read as a primary input source for pen inputs. But as a general rule, tilt does not have much input in moving the cursor around. 

With it on, it's very difficult to drop the pen to the tablet surface without it jumping to a new position. I was ready to pack up the product and return it. Seriously.

A: This sounds like you are using absolute positioning (Pen Mode - which is on by default), and this is not a feature or function of pen tilt. 

It would be different if Tilt mode didn't engage until the pan touches the surface, which I suggested in a separate post.

3. Mouse mode should be the default and it should be obvious where to enable it. If you're looking at a drawing tablet screen then absolute mode makes sense, but with a graphics table you're looking at the computer monitor and it's hard to imagine not wanting to use relative mode.

A: Actually, as you start to build your muscle memory using the pen in Pen Mode (Absolute Positioning), you will see how much better it is to use as an input device than relative mode.

As a side note: my reply is based on 12 plus years of supporting people using digital Tablets and Displays, and my own use of digital Tablets and Displays for over 20 years with applications like Adobe Ps, ArtRage, Corel Painter, Rebelle, and Lightroom to mentions a few.

Everyone uses their digital tablets a bit differently and that is 100% ok. The Xencelabs Pen Tablets and Displays are designed to be customizable to meet your workflow needs.

To access Mouse Mode (Relative Positioning) please follow the instruction below.

[1] Open the Settings panel, and select the pen you are using from the left-hand navigation window.

[2] Then Select Customize "your pen."

[3] You can turn Mouse mode on by sliding the selector to the right. 

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